Privacy Policy

LYONS LAW, PLLC (hereinafter the "Firm") recognizes and respects your privacy. The Firm wants you to make the most of this website and to feel confident doing so. The following discloses the information collection, use, and disclosure practices for this domain. This policy does not address information obtained offline.

When you visit the public area of this website, you remain anonymous. To the extent you use forms, chats, and email links via the website, or call via phone to communicate with the Firm or anyone affiliated with the Firm and provide personally identifiable information, however, you will not remain anonymous. Because it is impossible to predict every conceivable context in which such information might be provided to the Firm, the Firm cannot provide any assurances that personally identifiable information you choose to provide will be maintained as private.

This website uses "cookies." Cookies are small text files that are placed on a visitor's computer hard drive that allow the Firm and/or the host of this website to record how many times a user or computers within a user's network of computers has visited the website, the number of times various pages of the website have been accessed, and to track the user's home page customization preferences. You may disable receipt of cookies using features of your web browser that disable or turn off cookies. The Firm does not use cookies to retrieve information that is unrelated to your visit to or your interaction with this website.

This website collects your Internet Protocol (IP) address. An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. The IP address data that is collected does not contain any personally identifiable information about you and is used to administer this website, to determine the numbers of different visitors to the site, and to gather demographic data. However, when you submit information via this website, that information becomes identifiable and is kept on record as having come from your IP address. This information may be used to identify you on subsequent visits to this site and to other sites associated with it, and to personalize your user experience.

The non-personally identifiable data that this website collects is accessible by Firm personnel and may be shared with certain third parties, such as website designers and/or the host of this website. The Firm uses all non-personally identifiable data that is collected internally, together with such third parties, in order to improve the website. The information is used, for example, to evaluate what portions of the website are more popular than others, to determine where visitors to the site came from, and to determine how many times and how often particular pages of the site were accessed. The data may also be used to prepare reports regarding website activity as part of the process of maintaining and improving the website.

To the extent permitted by law, the Firm will not sell, share, or otherwise disclose any of the information collected online without your express permission.

From time to time, the Firm may provide links to third-party websites that are not controlled by the Firm. Therefore, you are urged to review the privacy policies posted on these third-party websites at the time you first visit such sites. The Firm assumes no obligation to review or ensure enforcement or compliance with the privacy policy of any linked website.

The Firm does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from any children under age 13.

Regardless of where you are located, the site collects information and processes and stores that information in databases located in the United States.

Due to the rapidly evolving technologies on the internet, the Firm may occasionally update this Privacy Policy. All revisions will be posted here. Therefore, you are urged to review this Privacy Policy frequently.

The Firm welcomes questions and comments about this website and this policy anytime.